S. Ayoub Abdollahi

S. Ayoub Abdollahi

Ayoub is the founder of Abdollahi & Associates. He is Attorney-at-Law and member of Iran Central Bar Association (ICBAR) since 1991 with experience of over 30 years acting as counsel in various cases before Courts of First Instance, Courts of Appeal and the Supreme Court.

He has studied law at Tehran University (Faculty of Law and Political Sciences). Prior to becoming a member of the ICBAR, he had served in the judiciary as an investigating judge for many years.

Ayoub is a highly reputable lawyer with good standing, as he has advise various governmental and non-governmental organizations over the past decades. He has also acted as arbitrator in many arbitrations under the Iranian law.

Email: sayoub@aandalawyers.com

S. Meisam Abdollahi


S. Maisam Abdollahi
Managing Partner

Meisam has completed his M.A. at Tarbiat Modarres University (TMU) in Criminal Law. He has been assistant professor at Police Training and Officer University for 4 years. He also published several articles on different aspects of criminal law studies.

As a legal adviser, Meisam has advised reputable clients, such as Iran Electronic Industries Organization (SAIRAN), Damavand Electronic Industries Co., Aftab Cement Co., Pasargad Arasb Co. and many more. 

Prior to A&A, Meisam was the CEO of Hamyar Paydar Edalat law firm.
He has been legal advisor to various corporations.

Email: smeisam@aandalawyers.com

S. Saber Abdollahi


S. Saber Abdollahi

Saber is an Attorney-at-Law and member of Iran Judiciary Bar (IJB). He has received his M.A. in Civil Law from Trabiat Modarres University (TMU).

Saber has the experience of working with a prominent regional organization, including Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) for five years. He has also advised Iran Khodro Group (IKCO), the leading company in Iran’s automobile industry. Prior to A&A, Saber has worked with various law firms for more than 10 years.

During his years at university, Saber was Editor-in-Cheif of legal journal of the Law Faculty and Secretary General of the Student Scientific Association.

Email: ssaber@aandalawyers.com

S. Ali Abdollahi

S. Ali Abdollahi

Ali has completed his M.A. and Ph.D. in International Law at Shahid Beheshti University (SBU) in Tehran. In 2017, he was granted scholarship to participate in the Hague Academy of International Law summer courses on Private International Law. Ali is a visiting lecturer at Kharazmi University and has published several articles in Farsi and English.

He is member of Iran Central Bar Association (ICBAR) and has acted as legal adviser, counsel and arbitrator in various cases.

Internationally, Ali is Chair of Appeals Commission at International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) and member of Legal Commission at International Climbing & Mountaineering Federation (UIAA). He has the experience of participating in commercial cases before ICC, DIAC, CAS, KCAB, IUSCT and also before national courts in several jurisdictions, including Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Sultanate of Oman, Canada, Cyprus, Malaysia, Germany and Turkey.

Ali has focused his professional career mostly on international trade law, ADR and arbitration and sports law. 

Email: sma@aandalawyers.com

LinkeIn: www.linkedin.com/in/smaabdollahi